5-Minute Mindfulness Meditations for Children, 8 Years & Up
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- Curriculum
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Come learn from Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, Joseph Drumheller.
Over 16,000 online students in 147 countries
40+ online courses
Conducted 2,000+ private healing sessions
4-time award-winning author
Worked 6 years in a cancer radiation clinic as a Clinical Hypnotherapist
Accreditation – ANWAA (American Natural Wellness Accreditation Alliance)
Children are magical people with amazing inner worlds, just waiting to be opened. In this course, 5-Minute Mindfulness Meditations for Children, that’s exactly what we’re going to do, open the doors to the magical inner worlds of your children. Calmness, Creativity, Exploration, Fun.
For Kids
This course provides six unique 5-minute meditations, designed especially for your kids. These tools will enrich their lives by fostering their emotional and mental health, enhancing their creativity, and deepening their spirituality, for as long as they live.
For Grown-ups
Each meditation is also accompanied by a video lecture and a written summary script for adults. The scripts can be used for you to lead meditations with kids later on. Don’t forget, the meditations are great for you old folks too!
Benefits of Meditation
Meditation can give your children a significant advantage in their development as they enter this rapidly accelerating world. Science has illuminated numerous health benefits associated with meditation that can have a positive impact on their lives as they grow. Some of those benefits include:
Reducing Stress
Calming Unwanted Behavior and Emotions
Expanding their Capacity for Creativity and Learning
Increasing the Likelihood of Happiness and Well-Being
I know children today are born into a world filled with challenges. But that’s why I created this course. I’ll teach you techniques you can share with your kids, in just a few minutes. It’s easy, it’s wonderful, and anyone can do it. All you need is the desire to make their lives better.
In this course, kids will learn meditations to:
Increase ENERGY.
CALM disruptive EMOTIONS.
Create magical feelings with SOUND.
Deeply connect with NATURE.
In this course adults will learn:
Through VIDEO LECTURES, the strategies, techniques, and methodology behind leading meditations for children.
Through WRITTEN SUMMARIES the strategies, techniques, and methodology behind leading meditations for children. The summaries also include outlined scripts, to assist you in leading your own meditations for kids.
Adults will receive a FREE EBOOK, summarizing the course.
What students are saying about Joseph’s courses:
I enjoyed the course. There were very good practical tips to ground energy and I especially like the integration of calming disruptive emotions meditation which could work for adults also. I like the magic blank canvas meditation to enhance creativity for children or adults also. You gave a great insight in a simple way of what energy is to kids and you get that across very nicely to them in a practical and calm manner. Loved it. Thank you, Melissa O’Neill
… the meditations are next level awesome. Courtney Seard
I’m doing a couple of Joseph Drumheller courses and he’s a really fantastic teacher. His approach is very genuine and authentic. He spent many years providing support to terminally ill cancer patients. Highly recommended. Phil Strong
You know, Joseph, I really appreciate the reminder that unresolved emotional charges INFLUENCE our decision making and behavior. I can see that this has played out in my life to my great misfortune. At this stage of my life, it is very important for me to take charge of these ancient emotional triggers, and create a much healthier and happier existence. I love your class, Joseph. Thanks again for all of your hard work! Laurel Gay Edwards
Your delivery was warm and natural and your sincerity and love of meditation shines through. I can see how much work has gone into this course and I’m sure it will reach and help many, many, many people. It’s so nice to ‘meet’ someone with very similar views on meditation and an approach to teaching that chimes with my own. I wish you every success! Linda Hall
Joseph Drumheller’s practical, earthy approach to meditation, along with his soothing voice and approachability provide a comfortable place to begin a new practice or gain deeper insights to those more established. Speaking as a lifelong meditator myself, I recommend his work. Judy Blackwell
I will say that the main thing I look for in someone in such a course is that they exude calm, and joy….and you do……and that they look trustworthy, good energy when you look at their eyes…when they speak…and you do… Marika Marks
Very professional and I loved the videos! If this is your first class online, I wouldn’t have known it. You did a great job! Judy Lynne
3Meditation for Kids - The Magic Blank Canvas (Creativity)
4Meditation for Kids - Increasing Energy
5Meditation for Kids - Settling Down (Grounding)
6Meditation for Kids - Calming Disruptive Emotions (Integration)
7Meditation for Kids - The Magic of Sound
8Meditation for Kids - Connecting to Nature
9How Online Courses Work
10Lecture - The Magic Blank Canvas (Creativity)
11Summary - The Magic Blank Canvas (Creativity)
12Lecture - Increasing Energy
13Summary - Increasing Energy
14Lecture - Settling Down (Grounding)
15Summary - Settling Down (Grounding)
16Lecture - Calming Disruptive Emotions (Integration)
17Summary - Calming Disruptive Emotions (Integration)
18Lecture - The Magic of Sound
19Summary - The Magic of Sound
20Lecture - Connecting to Nature
21Summary - Connecting to Nature