Advanced Scratch Programming for Kids
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

In this course, we’ll learn how to make AMAZING games with Scratch! This is the follow-up to the immensely popular course “Programming for Kids and Beginners: Learn to Code in Scratch”.
We already assume you know how to code in Scratch. In this course, I’ll show you some advanced tips that will allow you to make high-quality games in Scratch. In this course, we’ll learn how to program
perfect shapes
automatic drawings
optical illusions
perfectly symmetrical snowflakes
sound loops
stories and characters
power-ups and lives
intelligent enemies
visual effects
boss fights
explosions, lasers and more
As before, we’ll learn by doing. The course is designed so that you create the games and applications with your own two hands. But what makes this course truly unique is the teaching method I’ve used live 4+ years. We learn a variety of computer science topics, but we hide the complexity behind characters, animations, analogies and fun!
That’s because, in these carefully designed lessons, we train our intuition to make sense of what we want to achieve and how to get there. This will help you quickly master the basics. After this course, you’ll learn text-based programming languages at a blazing speed and quickly make sense of any piece of code.
The content is designed to be fun! I made these games to optimize learning computer science topics while having fun along the way. I will also update the course on a regular basis with new content – and challenges!
This course is designed for
parents or teachers who want to give their children the best skills and most fun
kids and beginners who want to learn to code games
anyone new to programming who doesn’t know where to start
I can’t wait to have you in the course!
The course is regularly updated with new material, tips and tricks that you can use in your games and projects!
Please note that Udemy is a big place. Those under 18 may use this course only if a parent or guardian opens their account, handles any enrollments, and manages their account usage. I’m pretty sure you’re doing that anyway, but it’s worth emphasizing.
29Starting the Game
30Visual Effects: Programming the Stars
31Visual Effects: Programming Space Nebulas
32Moving the Player Ship
33Firing Lasers
34Easy Enemies
35Player Ship Takes Damage
36Generating Explosion Effects
37Harder Enemies
38Harder Enemies, Part 2
39Harder Enemies, Part 3
40Harder Enemies, Part 4
41Levels and Winning the Game, Version 1.0
42Boss Fights!
43Boss Fights, Part 2
44Boss Fights, Part 3
45Game Complete, Version 2.0
46Player Power-Ups: Extra Life
47Player Power-Ups: More Lasers
48Player Power-Ups: Shield
49Game Complete, Version 3.0!