This course for anyone who wants to be a Kotlin programmer from scratch, We will start by discussing all the programming fundamentals that you need to know to start programming in Kotlin. We will start first by installing the development environment then you will run your first Kotlin app, and understand how program flow works in Kotlin. Then we will talk about variables and Math operations and priorities. Then we will take about logic and making decisions, then we will talk about loops. Then we will talk about how to work with files. Then we will talk about functions and OOP concept that you need to use when you program apps with Kotlin, then we will talk about collections and which type of collection you have to use for better performance depend on your app. then we will talk about multi-processing and how you could run multi-process in the same time.
Course sections ( Click on the time frame to go to section)
00:00 Introduction
00:02:04 install Java JDK
00:05:34 Write First App
00:16:36 Data Types: Define Variables
00:32:16 Input data – ReadLine
00:40:00 Comments
00:42:47 Swap Numbers HW
00:48:02 Math Operations
00:55:00 Order Of Operations
01:05:12 Modify Variable Value
01:09:38 Find My Age
01:15:36 Debug your code
01:19:19 Logic Condition
01:35:13 Decision Making: Simple IF
01:44:14 Decision Making: IF-ELSE
01:52:43 Decision Making: When
01:57:02 Decision Making: Nested IF
02:00:27 Decision Making: Expression If and When
02:05:20 Simple For loop
02:16:48 while Do While
02:26:36 Nested Loops and Condition
02:43:03 Returns and Jumps
02:51:10 pre- Rename Collections
02:53:52 Collections: Array
03:09:52 Collections: Strings
03:21:19 Collections: ArrayList
03:31:27 Collections: LinkedList
03:34:25 Collections: HashMap
03:41:29 Improve code quality
03:55:40 mutable vs Immutable
04:01:44 Functions and var arg
04:18:33 Function Overloading
04:24:11 Polymorphism
04:28:45 Scope
04:36:59 Why OOP
04:40:06 Simple Class
05:00:59 constructor
05:12:33 Inheritance
05:19:43 Visibility Modifiers 1
05:23:57 Visibility Modifiers 2
05:28:11 Overriding
05:31:11 Lamda
05:38:35 Super and This
05:42:09 Extension
05:50:11 Data Class
05:53:17 Interface
06:02:53 Delegation
#kotlin #androidkotlin
Tutorial source code