Data Science A-Z: Hands-On Exercises & ChatGPT Prize [2024]
- Description
- Curriculum
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Extremely Hands-On… Incredibly Practical… Unbelievably Real!
This is not one of those fluffy classes where everything works out just the way it should and your training is smooth sailing. This course throws you into the deep end.
In this course you WILL experience firsthand all of the PAIN a Data Scientist goes through on a daily basis. Corrupt data, anomalies, irregularities – you name it!
This course will give you a full overview of the Data Science journey. Upon completing this course you will know:
- How to clean and prepare your data for analysis
- How to perform basic visualisation of your data
- How to model your data
- How to curve-fit your data
- And finally, how to present your findings and wow the audience
This course will give you so much practical exercises that real world will seem like a piece of cake when you graduate this class. This course has homework exercises that are so thought provoking and challenging that you will want to cry… But you won’t give up! You will crush it. In this course you will develop a good understanding of the following tools:
- Tableau
- Gretl
This course has pre-planned pathways. Using these pathways you can navigate the course and combine sections into YOUR OWN journey that will get you the skills that YOU need.
Or you can do the whole course and set yourself up for an incredible career in Data Science.
The choice is yours. Join the class and start learning today!
See you inside,
Kirill Eremenko
11Intro (what you will learn in this section)
12Installing Tableau Desktop and Tableau Public (FREE)
13Challenge description + view data in file
14Connecting Tableau to a Data file - CSV file
15Navigating Tableau - Measures and Dimensions
16Creating a calculated field
17Adding colours
18Adding labels and formatting
19Exporting your worksheet
20Section Recap
21Tableau Basics
22Intro (what you will learn in this section)
23Get the Dataset + Project Overview
24Connecting Tableau to an Excel File
25How to visualise an AB test in Tableau?
Learn how to do an AB test in Tableau with accessible and comprehensive visualization
26Working with Aliases
27Adding a Reference Line
28Looking for anomalies
29Handy trick to validate your approach / data
30Section Recap
31Intro (what you will learn in this section)
32Creating bins & Visualizing distributions
33Creating a classification test for a numeric variable
34Combining two charts and working with them in Tableau
35Validating Tableau Data Mining with a Chi-Squared test
36Chi-Squared test when there is more than 2 categories
37Quick Note
38Visualising Balance and Estimated Salary distribution
39Extra: Chi-Squared Test (Stats Tutorial)
40Extra: Chi-Squared Test Part 2 (Stats Tutorial)
41Section Recap
42Part Completed
56Intro (what you will learn in this section)
57Get the dataset
58Assumptions of Linear Regression
59Dummy Variables
60Dummy Variable Trap
61Understanding the P-Value
62Ways to build a model: BACKWARD, FORWARD, STEPWISE
63Backward Elimination - Practice time
64Using Adjusted R-squared to create Robust models
65Interpreting coefficients of MLR
66Section Recap
75Intro (what you will learn in this section)
76Get the dataset
77What is geo-demographic segmenation?
78Let's build the model - first iteration
79Let's build the model - backward elimination: STEP-BY-STEP
80Transforming independent variables
81Creating derived variables
82Checking for multicollinearity using VIF
83Correlation Matrix and Multicollinearity Intuition
84Model is Ready and Section Recap