Data Science for Business | 6 Real-world Case Studies
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Are you looking to land a top-paying job in Data Science?
Or are you a seasoned AI practitioner who want to take your career to the next level?
Or are you an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to maximize business revenue with Data Science and Artificial Intelligence?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then this course is for you!
Data Science is one of the hottest tech fields to be in right now! The field is exploding with opportunities and career prospects. Data Science is widely adopted in many sectors nowadays such as banking, healthcare, transportation and technology.
In business, Data Science is applied to optimize business processes, maximize revenue and reduce cost. The purpose of this course is to provide you with knowledge of key aspects of data science applications in business in a practical, easy and fun way. The course provides students with practical hands-on experience using real-world datasets.
In this course, we will assume that you are an experienced data scientist who have been recently as a data science consultant to several clients. You have been tasked to apply data science techniques to the following 6 departments: (1) Human Resources, (2) Marketing, (3) Sales, (4) Operations, (5) Public Relations, (6) Production/Maintenance. Your will be provided with datasets from all these departments and you will be asked to achieve the following tasks:
Task #1 @Human Resources Department: Develop an AI model to Reduce hiring and training costs of employees by predicting which employees might leave the company.
Task #2 @Marketing Department: Optimize marketing strategy by performing customer segmentation
Task #3 @Sales Department: Develop time series forecasting models to predict future product prices.
Task #4 @Operations Department: Develop Deep Learning model to automate and optimize the disease detection processes at a hospital.
Task #5 @Public Relations Department: Develop Natural Language Processing Models to analyze customer reviews on social media and identify customers sentiment.
Task #6 @Production/Maintenance Departments: Develop defect detection, classification and localization models.
7Introduction to Case Study and Key Learning Outcomes
8Task #1: Problem Statement and Business Case
9Task #2: Import Libraries and Datasets
10Task #3: Explore Dataset - Part 1
11Task #3: Explore Dataset - Part 2
12Task #3: Explore Dataset - Part 3
13Task #3: Explore Dataset - Part 4
14Task #4: Perform Data Cleaning
15Task #5: Understand intuition of Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and ANNs
16Task #6: Understand Classification KPIs
17Task #7: Build and Train Logistic Regression Classifier
18Task #8: Build and Train Random Forest Classifier Model
19Task #9: Build and Train Artificial Neural Network Classifier Model
20Introduction to Case Study and Key Learning Outcomes
21Task #1: Understand Problem Statement and Business Case
22Task #2: Import Libraries and Datasets
23Task #3: Perform Data Visualization
24Task #4: Understand the Theory and Intuition behind K-Mean Algorithm
25Task #5: Obtain Optimal Number of Clusters "K"
26Task #6: Apply K-Means Clustering to Perform Market Segmentation
27Task #7: Understand the Intuition Behind Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
28Task #8: Understand the Intuition Behind Autoencoders
29Task #9: Build and Train Autoencoder - Part #1
30Build and Train Autoencoder - Part #2
31Introduction to Case Study and Key Learning Outcomes
32Task #1: Understand the Problem Statement and Business Case
33Task #2: Import Datasets - Part #1
34Task #2: Import Datasets - Part #2
35Task #3: Explore Data - Part #1
36Task #3: Explore Data - Part #2
37Task #3: Explore Data - Part #3
38Task #3: Explore Data - Part #4
39Task #4: Understand Facebook Prophet intuition
40Task #5: Train The Model - Part #1
41Task #6: Train The Model - Part #2
42Introduction to Case Study and Key Learning Outcomes
43Task #1: Understand the Business Case and Problem Statement
44Task #2: Load and Explore Dataset
45Task #3: Visualize Datasets
46Task #4: Understand Intuition Behind Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
47Task #5: Understand Intuition Behind Transfer Learning
48Task #6: Load Model with Pretrained Weights
49Task #7: Build and Train ResNet
50Task #8: Evaluate Trained Model Performance
51Introduction to Case Study and Key Learning Outcomes
52Task #1: Understand Problem Statement and Business Case
53Task #2: Import Libraries and Datasets
54Task #3: Explore Dataset - Part #1
55Task #3: Explore Dataset - Part #2
56Task #4: Perform Data Cleaning
57Task #5: Remove Punctuation
58Task #6: Remove Stopwords
59Task #7: Perform Tokenization/Count Vectorization
60Task #8: Perform Text Cleaning pipeline
61Task #9: Naive Bayes Intuition
62Task #10: Train a Naive Bayes Classifier
63Task #11: Evaluate Trained Naive Bayes Classifier
64Task #12: Train and Evaluate a Logistic Regression Classifier
65Introduction and Welcome Message
66Task #1 - Understand the Problem Statement & Business Case
67Task #2 - Import Libraries and Datasets
68Task #3 - Visualize and Explore Dataset
69Task #4 - Understand the Intuition behind ResNet, CNNs, and Transfer Learning
70Task #5 - Build & Train ResNet Classifiers
71Task #6 - Assess Trained ResNet Model Performance
72Task #7 - Understand the Intuition behind ResUnet Segmentation Models
73Task #8 - Build & Train a ResUnet Segmentation Model
74Task #9 - Assess Trained ResUnet Model