Developing Kids Motor Skills and Coordination from 0-6 years
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This movement skills for sports course is one of a kind. By the end of the course you will understand all about how young kids brains develop, and most importantly you will take away an approach, the underlying knowledge and practical skills to give kids a massive head start in their sporting and physical lives. This fine motor skills course is mostly video based by also consists of articles and downloadable PDF's. The fine motor skills course will take 12 hours to complete. By the end of this course you will never see your kids, their playtime and the first 6 years of life the same. If you have a desire for the kids in your life to be happy, healthy and active, and potentially have the opportunity to compete in sport at the very highest level, then this course is for you.
Take this Fine Motor Skills course now and learn motor development in children from 0-6 years.
2A New ApproachA look at the new approach you can take to the development of kids coordination to give them a head start in sport and making a lasting difference in their physical lives.
3Beliefs and Actions in a New Approach to Kids Skill DevelopmentHere are the 6 beliefs and and the 6 actions you can take for a whole new proactive approach to kids skill development in the early years.
4Fundamental Perceptual Motor Skills and CoordinationA look at what exactly fundamental perceptual motor skills and coordination are and a framework from which you can approach all skill activities and play in the first 6 years.
5Fundamental Perceptual Motor Skills And CoordinationThis is a nice little visual representation of how fundamental perceptual motor skills relate the development of coordination and sports.
6Helpful Definitions for Understanding Skill DevelopmentIn this lecture, you will find definitions of key words and phrases important for you helping kids become skilful and coordinated in the first 6 years of life.
7Definitions Related to Understanding How the Brain and Skills DevelopTo really understand how the human brain develops and comes to be responsible for the skills and behaviours we have, make sure you read this lecture to be clear on some key words and phrases that relate to the brain. The better your understanding of brain development, the better placed and more motivated you will be to make a real difference in kids early years.
8The Developing Brain and SkillsThis lecture puts in simple practical terms the fundamentals of brain development in relation to the development of skills and human behaviours. By the end of this lecture you will understand what is going on in babies, toddlers and young kids brains as they learn and develop their coordination which will make you all the more effective and inspired.
9Developmental TrajectoriesYou are guaranteed to never again look at the first 6 years of life the same when you understand exactly how a developmental trajectory is possible due to features of brain development. Be inspired to proactively establish positive development trajectories for the kids in your life.
11Play and LearningThis lecture provides you a very simple framework for understanding and approaching play. Appreciating and becoming an effective facilitator of play is crucial to helping kids develop their skills and coordination in the early years of life.
12Evidence for Play and LearningTaking a proactive approach to kids skill development from 0-6 years involves appreciating the value of play. Read here the amazing evidence for play as the most effective and natural teaching tool we have at out disposal.
13The Seeking SystemThe seeking system is amazing and explains so much about kid's behaviours of all ages but particularly under the age of 6 years. Learn in this lecture how brain structure and brain chemistry works in relation to kids desire to move, explore and understand and how you can really tap into it.
14An Enriched EnvironmentUnderstanding what exactly an enriched environment is and how enriched environments have an incredible impact on brain development is vital for every parent, teacher, caregiver and coach.
15Birth to Mobility - 0 to 18 Months - Part 1In Part 1 we cover the aims for motor skill development in the first 18 months of life.
16Birth to Mobility - 0 to 18 Months - Part 2We begin to look at both motor and perceptual milestone development and at each stage talk about how you can play to encourage physical activity and development towards the next milestones.
17Birth to Mobility - 0 to 18 Months - Part 3In Part 3, we continue looking at developmental milestones and the play you can engage in during these times to encourage healthy active development.
18Birth to Mobility - 0 to 18 Months - Part 4In Part 4, we work our way through to the end of the first 18 months where kids are fully mobile and ready to start their journey towards fundamental perceptual motor skills and coordination.
19Mobility to Fundamental Perceptual Motor Skills - 18 Months to 4 Years - Part 1We begin in Part 1 our in depth look at a toddlers development of fundamental perceptual motor skills and coordination from 18 months. Beginning with our aims for this stage and milestones becoming increasingly varied amongst kids based on the learning experiences they are having.
20Mobility to Fundamental Perceptual Motor Skills - 18 Months to 4 Years - Part 2In Part 2 we cover developmental milestones can potentially be reaching from 18 months with active play engagement. At each milestone we talk about how you can play to really encourage their development.
21Mobility to Fundamental Perceptual Motor Skills - 18 Months to 4 Years - Part 3The Part 3 lecture covers all the way up to 4 years, including what skills and coordination milestones kids can be capable of by age 4 years and the activities and play you can engage in to help their skills advance.
22Fundamental Perceptual Motor Skills to Ready for Sport - 4 to 6 Years - Part 1Part 1 begins the journey from 4 years to kids by the age of 6 having the coordination to easily engage in, learn and play any sport.
23Fundamental Perceptual Motor Skills to Ready for Sport - 4 to 6 Years - Part 2In Part 2 we finish covering all the coordination milestones up to the age of 6 years and talk more about the types of play you can do with kids, so that by the time they start sport they are skilful, more able to adapt to any physical experience and are set on a pathway towards successful sports participation.
24The Three Opportunities for Skill Learning ExperiencesWe all have busy lives and it can be difficult to fit in the playtime and physical activity experiences kids need and deserve. In this lecture we give you insight into how kids can get the necessary active play and how you can approach being facilitator of these experiences.
25Potential Skill Learning Experiences From 0-6 YearsThis gives you a very practical overview of the the skill learning experiences kids can be exposed to from 0 to 6 years as part of a proactive approach to developing fundamental motor skills and coordination.
26Examples of Skill Learning Experiences in Day or a WeekSo what daily or weekly experiences can a 7 month old baby, a 2 year old toddler or a 5 year kid be exposed to? Read here to find out and see how skill learning experiences progress over the early years.
27Understanding and Developing Desirable Psychological Traits - Part 1Every parent, coach or caregiver is in a wonderful position to begin nurturing desirable psychological traits that will help kids succeed not just in sport but in life. Active play is a perfect avenue to nurture these traits and from this lecture you will gain an understanding of how you can go about it.
28Understanding and Developing Desirable Psychological Traits - Part 2In Part 2, we continue our look at how you can go about proactively nurturing desirable psychological traits with kids from 0 to 6 years.
29Overview of the Desirable Psychological Traits You Can Aim to Nurture in Your Kids
What do you consider desirable psychological traits? How can you influence the emergence of these traits from the very beginning? Read this lecture to learn how by being proactive you can set young kids on a desirable path.
30The 6 E'sIn this lecture we give you the 6 E's which you can use as a guide for your own interactions with kids during times of active play. How you interact will have a lasting impact on how kids come to see physical activity and sport for the rest of their lives.
31Outline of the 6 E's for Positive InteractionsUse the 6 E's to guide your interactions and ensure that the experiences you have with young kids are positive from both a physical and psychological skill building perspective.