How to Market Yourself as a Coach or Consultant
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

Completely Updated and Re-Recorded in 2022!
The entire course has been completely updated and re-recorded to ensure it’s current and covers everything I believe is important to successfully market an independent coaching or consulting business.
Are you an independent Coach or Consultant who is just starting out in business?
Or perhaps you’ve been in business for awhile but you’re not attracting enough clients or making enough money?
There’s a lot that goes into building a successful Coaching or Consulting business.
In this course, I’ll teach you exactly what you need to KNOW and DO to successfully market yourself as an independent coach or consultant.
Hi, I’m Debbie LaChusa, and I’ve been in business on my own as an independent coach, consultant, and online teacher since 1998 – that’s 24 years!
When I started out I was probably a lot like you… I didn’t have any experience running or marketing my own business. The one advantage I did have was that I had studied marketing in college and I’d spent 13 years working in the marketing industry. It was very different marketing my own business, but over time I figured out how to translate my corporate marketing experience into a process that worked for marketing my own business.
It worked so well I started coaching other coaches and consultants, and ultimately began teaching online.
Since 1998, I’ve built and run a 6-figure consulting business, a 6-figure coaching business, and a 6-figure online course business.
This course is based on the same 4-step process I used to market my own businesses, and that I used for years with my one-on-one coaching clients.
It’s a process that’s been proven in the real world… has stood the test of time… and just plain works!
If you’d like to learn how to…
Package Your Services… so you can stop selling your time or creating spec proposals
Brand Yourself and Your Business… so you stand out from everyone else who does what you do
Market Your Services… so you attract more of your ideal clients, more easily
Sell Your Services… in a way that doesn’t feel like selling and works better than free coaching sessions
Then this course is for you!
In this course I walk you through each of these 4 steps with…
Extensive Virtual Coaching (including real world examples, stories, and instruction based on years of experience)
Worksheets & Handouts (the same worksheets and handouts I used with my private clients)
Demo Videos (to demonstrate how to do the technical work I teach in this course)
Suggested Resources (to help you quickly implement what you’re learning in this course)
All to help you apply my 4-step process to your coaching or consulting business.
I’ve been teaching this content online for 9 years and more than 12,000 coaches and consultants have learned how to Package, Brand, Market, and Sell their services using my proven, proprietary process.
Course Content Updated and Completely Re-Recorded in 2022 – Here’s What’s Changed
This re-recording of the original course I created in 2013 includes changes based on my additional 9 years of online business experience. I’ve streamlined my 4-Step Package-Brand-Market-Sell Process, updated my recommendations on Branding, and added all new sections on Website Development and Adding Services/Diversifying.
Here’s what a few students in the original version of this course had to say…
“I took this course after her signature program course and it is already yielding gems. She is BRILLIANT, knows her stuff, actually understands the PSYCHOLOGY of her client and how important it is to create a business you like. As a serial entrepreneur, I can truly see her personal experience coming through in understanding that knowing her client is the way to craft a business they will be successful at because they love what they are doing…this is very different from many people selling marketing courses. Really happy I found her.”
“After decades in the travel industry, the pandemic forced me to pivot and this course has been invaluable in realistically redefining my scope, branding, and marketing. If you are in the same boat or at the start of a new business, this course is a must! Simply follow the steps, complete them as you go along and you’ll have an actionable business plan by the end of it. Good luck!”
Be sure to watch the Free Preview videos to get a better idea of my teaching style and what this course covers.
I look forward to seeing you in class and helping you market your coaching or consulting business!
This lecture includes an introduction to this newly recorded and updated version of my flagship marketing course for coaches and consultants. You'll learn what has changed in this new course.
2Before We Dive In - Please Don't Skip This Lesson!
In this lesson you'll learn (1) What to expect from this course, (2) how to get the most out of this course, (3) the real world experience behind this course.
3Inventory Your Skills, Experience & Expertise
It’s time to do a complete inventory of the experience, education, and skills you bring into your business. It’s this collection that makes you and your business different from all others. It’s also what will enable you to attract the clients you can best help, and those who want what you do, in the way only you do it. It also includes the Toolbox Inventory Worksheet to help you collect all of your relevant experience.
4Identify Your Ideal ClientThis lecture provides a description, instructions, and an example to help you identify and define your ideal client, so you can design a business, brand, marketing that connect and resonate with, and attract, those ideal clients. It also includes the Ideal Client Profile Worksheet so you may develop a description of your ideal client.
5Identify What You're Really Selling: The Pain-Promise Exercise
This lesson will help you uncover what you’re really selling, so you can market and sell what your clients want to buy. The Pain-Promise worksheet makes it easy for you to identify the problems or desires your ideal clients have, and what you do to help them overcome those problems or achieve their desires, so you can focus on these things in your marketing.
6Choose Your Niche
Your Niche is the type of work and type of client you choose to specialize in. The Niche worksheet will help you clarify and put a name to your niche.
7Design Your Signature Program
In this lecture you'll learn a simple, step-by-step process for creating your own Signature Coaching or Consulting Program.
8Confidently Promise Your Clients Results
Understand what you CAN and CAN'T promise your clients in terms of outcomes when they work with you and complete your Signature Program
9Price Your Signature Program
Learn how to confidently set a price for your Signature Program that's not based on selling your time by the hour or what other coaches or consultants in your industry are charging. The Pricing Your Signature Program Worksheet will help you to confidently price your program.
10Determine if Your Signature Program is Financially Viable
This lecture explains how you can make sure the Signature Program you've created, and priced, is financially viable. That is, will it deliver the income you need to keep your business afloat. Following the five steps in the Financial Viability Test Worksheet will ensure you have designed a financially viable Signature Program and business.
11Create Cash Flow Projections
Learn how to create Cash Flow Projections so you know you can get to your financial goals with your Signature Program at the price you've set. The Cash Flow Projections Worksheet and Cash Flow Projections Example Spreadsheet will help you determine how many clients, and how much monthly income it will take to generate the annual business revenue you desire.
12Using Your Given Name vs. Creating a Brand Name
Understand the pros and cons of using your given name as an independent coach or consultant vs. creating a brand name to market and sell your services.
13Brand Discovery
This lecture walks you through the first step in developing a unique and compelling brand identity that will set you apart from everyone else who does what you do--a critical step in being able to effectively market your services. It also includes the Brand Discovery Questionnaire.
14Brand Brainstorming Introduction
This lecture includes an introduction to the Brand Brainstorming process, which you can use to come up with a unique and compelling brand name that communicates your Brand Platform to your ideal clients and helps them see you are the best coach or consultant to help them.
153 Ways to Brand Yourself as a Coach or Consultant
Understand the 3 ways you can Brand Yourself as an independent coach or consultant so you can pick the one that suits you and your business best.
16Brand Brainstorming Techniques
This lecture will help you develop a brand name to represent the brand platform you identified in the Brand Discovery exercise. It walks you through brainstorming techniques to kick-start the creative process and make it easier to develop a unique, compelling, and appropriate brand name to market your business under.
17Brand Research
Brand Research – Make sure your chosen name is available
Find out if your desired brand name is available, or if it’s already being used by someone else. There are several avenues you’ll want to check. The tips shared in this lesson will help you find a unique brand name that no one else in your industry is using.
The Brand Research and Protection Worksheet details all of the resources and suggestions shared in this lesson.
18Brand Protection
Once you’ve decided on a Brand Name, it’s important to protect it so no one else can use it (at least in your business category) and so all the equity you build in the name over time is protected. Don’t be scared of this process, it’s actually quite easy to do using the resources I recommend, and it’s definitely worth the investment in your brand if you plan to be doing business for years to come.
This lesson and the Brand Research and Protection Worksheet from the previous video lesson share several steps you can take to start protecting your brand name right away.
19Brand Implementation
Brand Implementation
Once you have your brand platform and brand name, you want to integrate it into your entire business and marketing. The idea is that at every touch-point of your business, your clients get the message loud and clear, about who you are and what you do. This consistency is what enables you to develop brand awareness. It also builds trust because people get a consistent, singular message from you.
The Brand Implementation Checklist and Branded Words & Phrases Handout will help you make sure you’re representing your brand name or idea/platform throughout your entire business and marketing.
20Marketing Yourself Introduction
This lesson introduces what will be covered in the Marketing section of this course.
21Create Your Core Marketing Message
It’s important to be able to clearly and concisely sum up what you do for your clients. The fill-in-the-blank Core Marketing Message worksheet will make it easy for you to do this, and ensure you’re focused on communicating a meaningful, consistent message to your ideal clients.
22Develop Your Marketing Copy: Pain Copy Points
Now it’s time to develop some marketing copy points that you can use on your website, or in any marketing materials you create. By creating a series of marketing bullet points that support your Core Marketing Message, and that are pulled directly from your Pain-Promise Worksheet, you’ll ensure your marketing is consistent and speaking directly to your ideal clients.
The attached Developing Your Marketing Copy details 4 different types of marketing copy you'll want to create, and walks you through a simple process to write your marketing copy.
In this lesson you'll learn how to develop marketing copy based on your ideal clients' pains so you know your marketing copy speaks directly to the problems your ideal clients want to hire you to resolve.
23Develop Your Marketing Copy: Promise Copy Points
In this lesson you'll learn how to develop marketing copy based on the promises you make to your ideal clients - or in other words, what you help them do (or do for them) so you know your marketing copy speaks directly to what your ideal clients want.
24Develop Your Marketing Copy: Supporting Copy Points
Develop supporting marketing copy points you can use in all of your marketing to ensure your marketing message is consistent and speaks directly to what your ideal clients are searching for and are willing to pay money for.
25Develop Your Marketing Copy: Call-to-Action
Every piece of marketing you create needs to have a Call to Action. It needs to tell your prospects what you want them to do next. In this lesson I share the 2 basic Calls to Action for coach and consultant marketing. You'll want to include one of these calls to action in every piece of marketing you create.
26Objective 1: Client Attraction
In order to effectively market your coaching or consulting business, you’ll need to satisfy 3 Marketing Objectives. The Marketing Objectives & Strategies Handout breaks down these 3 marketing objectives and suggested marketing activities you can use to accomplish each objective. The first objective is what you must achieve to get clients into your coaching or consulting business.
27Objective 2: Relationship Building
This lecture explains the importance of relationship building, and why it's one of the three marketing objectives you must achieve in order to create a successful and profitable coaching or consulting business.
28Client Attraction & Relationship Building Examples
This lecture includes actual Free Reports I used in my coaching and consulting business that I operated under the brand name The Business Stylist, as well as two examples of Free Reports I've used to market my online course business. It also includes examples of Client Attraction and Relationship Marketing content.
29Objective 3: Engagement
This lecture explains the third of three marketing objectives that must be achieved in order to create a successful and profitable coaching or consulting business.
30Website Development Introduction
An introduction to Wordpress Website Development and the pages you'll want to have on your Coaching or Consulting Website
31Finding Wordpress Themes
Learn where and how to find free Wordpress Website Themes and Free Starter Templates you can use to build your own Coaching or Consulting Website.
32Website Development Steps
A brief overview of the steps you'll be taking as you build your own Wordpress Website for your Coaching or Consulting Business.
33Register Your Domain & Get Hosting
Learn how to register a domain name for your business, secure Wordpress Website Hosting, and how to Point Your Domain to your Hosting so you can build your own Wordpress Website for your Coaching or Consulting Business.
34Create a New Website & Install Wordpress
Learn how to create a new website inside your hosting platform (I demo how to do this using Siteground Hosting) and how to install Wordpress for free so you can build your own Coaching or Consulting Website.
35Install a Wordpress Theme & Starter Template
Learn two different ways to install Free Wordpress Themes, and how to install Free Astra Theme Starter Templates so you can build your own Coaching or Consulting Business Website.
36Customize Your Website - Content
Learn how to Customize a Wordpress Astra Theme Starter Template. Learn how to change colors, your website header, add your logomark to your website, how to change fonts, copy, images and photos.
37Customize Your Website - Menus, Pages, Footer
Learn how to Customize a Wordpress Astra Theme Starter Template. Learn how to change pages, navigation menus, and your website footer.
38Coach and Consultant Website Examples
Get inspired to create your own Wordpress Coaching or Consulting website by these examples of top coach and consultant websites.
40The Free Consultation: An Introduction
As an independent coach or consultant, offering complimentary or free consultations is a great way to get clients. It allows you to find out if prospects are a good fit for your services and if you want to work with them. This section outlines the process I used for years to get private consulting clients, and one-on-one coaching clients. I share it with you to give you a framework for these calls, video chats, or in-person meetings (the method of delivery is entirely up to you). While this is a sales process, I think you’ll find it’s not intimidating and it doesn’t feel like a sales call. Rather, it’s more of a fact-finding conversation that I hope you’ll learn to enjoy.
41Free Consultation Process: Part 1
In this video lesson I walk you through the first half of the Free Consultation Agenda.
42Free Consultation Process: Part 2
In this video lesson I walk you through the second half of the Free Consultation Agenda. The attached Free Consultation Process Handout details this process and all of the steps I recommend you use as an agenda for these meetings/calls.
43How to Generate Free Consultations
Now that you know how to conduct a Free Consultation, I want to help you understand all the ways you can generate Free Consultations. In this lesson I share a variety of ways you can market and invite people into Free Consultations with you.
44How to Track Free Consultations & Identify Your Sales Closing Ratio
In this video lesson I share how to track how well you're converting prospects into paying clients on your Free Consultations, and how you can use your closing ratio to predict and plan your monthly income.
The Free Consultation Tracking Worksheet and How Many Free Consults Worksheet will help you keep track of your Free Consultations and predict and plan your monthly coaching or consulting income.