How to stop telling your kids to 'CALM DOWN!'
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Join us for the first in a series of workshops on learning a new parenting language.
In this workshop we will cover:
1. Helping you understand why kids with special, additional or higher emotional needs (fizzy kids as we like to call them!) require a different parenting approach.
2. Making you aware of the language you currently use with your kids and asking whether it’s working.
3. Helping you start to re-learn to be the parent your kid needs you to be by learning a new parenting language.
Our transformative parenting approach will improve your parental mental health by getting you back in control of your emotions and helping your kids become more regulated in the meantime. It will transform your family dynamics and gives you something really tangible to do differently with your kids by providing a practical tool that brings together the best of therapeutic, mindful and intentional parenting techniques.
Your child may have a diagnosed special or additional need or they may just be highly sensitive and taking longer to reach emotional maturity. You may have tried different parenting techniques but nothing feels like it is working.
Wherever you are on your parenting journey, you are welcome here. FizzyKids is a supportive and non-judgemental community – we’re just re-learning to be the parents our fizzy kids need us to be one messy step at a time.
Introduction to the instructor who shares her story of life with kids with special, additional and emotional needs. Setting expectations around the course and info for learners on what knowledge they’ll gain from the course and what they’ll be able to do by the end. Intended audience and any pre-requisites.
2Lecture 2: Overview of the course
How to learn a new parenting language and what to expect from it.
3Lecture 3: Exercise - Noticing your language
Exercise - learning to notice your parenting language and how it makes you feel.
4Lecture 4: Challenging behaviours
You may have joined this course because you're struggling with your kids' big feelings and behaviours and/or because you are looking for a different way to parent your child, for whatever reason that may be. In this lecture we start to look at and understand some of those big behaviours.
5Lecture 5: Reasons for challenging behaviours
Stress, learning disabilities, ACEs and/or highly sensitive children can struggle with big behaviours. This is why.
6Lecture 6: Exercise - what challenging behaviours are your kids presenting with?
An exercise to help identify challenging behaviours and how they are affecting your family.
7Lecture 7: Exercise - Core scripts
8Lecture 8: The impact of your core scripts
What's happening to your brain and your child's brain when you're using those phrases? This lecture considers the impact of those phrases.
9Lecture 9: Why aren't your core scripts working?
Considering why your current parenting language isn't working.
10Lecture 10: Your new Top 3 core scripts
11Lecture 11: In an emergency go to A&E
That's accept and empathise, not accident and emergency!
12Lecture 12: Connect before you correct
Staying connected to your kids is really critical.
13Lecture 13: The power of silence
Silence and walking away are powerful uses of body language.
14Lecture 14: Exercise - what can you do differently on Day 1?
Spend time considering your kids' biggest challenging behaviours and feelings right now - which phrases may help him or her (or you) the most?
15Lecture 15: 5 phrases to kickstart your new parenting language
5 new phrases to start using immediately.
16Lecture 16: Exercise - A phrase for anger
A new phrase to use with the angry child.
17Lecture 17: Exercise - A phrase for rudeness
A phrase to use with the rude child.
18Lecture 18: Exercise - A phrase for problem-solving
A phrase to use with a stress child who needs help problem-solving.
19Lecture 19: Exercise - A phrase for defiance
A phrase to use with the defiant or oppositional child.
20Lecture 20: Exercise - A phrase for screentime
A phrase to help with the child who wants more screentime.
21Lecture 21: What language is your body speaking?
Learning the importance of voice tone and body language as well as the words you use.