Learning to Code for Kids & Beginners with MIT Scratch
- Description
- Curriculum
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In this course students of all ages are welcomed to learn the fundamental programming fundamentals that have allowed me to be a professional coder for the past 20 years. After laying a great foundation by learning the basics, we’ll advance to the challenge-based project section of the course where students will be able to complete fully functional games by taking a step-by-step approach, breaking down complex problem into simple solvable steps. We’ll do it all on the free MIT Scratch platform that provides a great visual drag-and-drop code editor which is perfect for beginner programmers who are just beginning to code. I’ll present each step of each project as a challenge and then provide full in-depth solution video along with all the Scratch Challenge Projects and Solutions where students can take on the challenges and also learn from my code.
I really hope you’ll join me inside this course to experience the joy of coding and also to unlock a valuable skillset that is super relevant in today’s modern world. Upon creating this course you’ll be super well versed in not just Scratch, but also the Fundamentals of Programming which apply to just about every coding language on the planet. In other words, this is just the beginning. I hope you use this course as a springboard to lots of fun and fruitful future endeavors with programming.
1Course Introduction
Introduction to the course
2Introducing MIT Scratch
A brief introduction to getting started with MIT Scratch and the Scratch project interface
3The Stage Coordinate System
Understanding the Stage Coordinate System
4Getting the Most from this Course
A few tips on the Udemy interface and on how to get the most from this course
5Asking Questions & Sharing Your Work
How to ask questions and share your work.
6Section Introduction
Intro to this section of the course
7What are variables?
In this section you'll be introduced to the concept of variables and start to learn why they are such an important and fundamental part of programming.
8Variable Scope: Local vs. Global Variables
In this lesson you'll be introduced to the concept of variable scope and start to see why this is an important part of programming and why this is such an important concept to understand when creating and working with variables.
9A Few More Variable Example
In this lesson we'll work through a few more examples and see how there can be different types of variables.
10Variable Challenge
Test your new knowledge of variables in this variable challenge. Watch the challenge video for challenge instructions then complete the challenge by finding the variable challenge link under the "Resources" tab. Then "Remix" the Scratch project and complete the challenge. Good luck! Then, check out the solution video in the next lesson.
11Variable Challenge Solution
View a solution to the Variable Challenge.
12Control Structures Part 1: Events and Listeners
In this lesson we'll start to talk about control structure and talk specifically about the idea of events and listeners.
13Control Structures Part 2
We continue to talk about control structures
14Control Structures Part 3
We continue going over different control structures
15Branching Control Structures
More on control structures and we talk about the idea of branching code
16Lists and Arrays
17Storing Related Data with Multiple Lists
We talk about the important of related data and the idea of "keys" to link related data together across multiple tables.
18Custom Blocks (Functions)
In this lesson we introduce the idea of custom blocks (or functions) and talk about the importance of not unnecessarily repeating lines of code.
19Custom Blocks Part 2 - Adding Complexity and Input Parameters
More about custom blocks, specifically the ability to pass in parameters
20Running Blocks w/o Screen Refresh
What is that "run w/o screen refresh" option anyway?
21Custom Blocks Part 3
Even more on custom blocks -- they are super useful!
22Intro to this section
Section introduction
What are backdrops?
What are sprites?
25Creating your own Sprites with the Shape Tool
How to create your own sprites with the shape tool
26Vector vs Bitmap Graphics
Understanding the difference between vector and bitmap graphics.
27Creating Clones in Scratch
Understanding clones.
28Costumes and Animation
Understanding costumes and animation
29Frame Rate
Understanding the concept of frame rate.
30A Few Quick Coding Block Tips
Some tips on working with coding blocks in Scratch
31The Backpack and Dragging Items between Sprites
Understanding the backpack -- a helpful tool!
32Commenting Your Code
The importance of commenting your code
33Adding Extensions
How to add extensions for more functionality.
34Meteor Math Game Introduction
Intro to meteor math project section of the course
35Challenge 1 -- Creating a Ship Sprite
Challenge 1 - Let's create our ship
36Solution 1 -- Creating a Ship Sprite
Solution 1 - How I went about creating the ship
37Challenge 2 -- Ship Movement
Challenge 2 - Let's get our ship moving!
38Solution 2 -- Ship Movement
My solution to the ship movement challenge
39Challenge 3 -- Firing Bullets
Challenge 3 - How do we get our ship to fire bullets?
40Solution 3 -- Firing Bullets
My solution to Challenge 3
41Challenge 4 -- Creating and Placing Meteors
Challenge 4 - How do we create and place meteors?
42Solution 4 -- Creating and Placing Meteors
My solution to Challenge 4
43Challenge 5 -- Collision Detection Part 1
Challenge 5 - Collision Detection
44Solution 5 -- Collision Detection Part 1
My solution to the collision detection challenge
45Challenge 6 -- Collision Detection Part 2
Challenge 6 - Another challenge related to collision detection
46Solution 6 -- Collision Detection Part 2
My solution to the rest of the collision detection problem
47Challenge 7 -- Creating the Math Problems
Challenge 7 - How do we create the math problems?
48Solution 7A -- Creating the Math Problem Part 1
The first part of the math problem solution
49Solution 7B -- Creating the Math Problems Part 2
The 2nd part of the math problem solution
50Challenge 8 -- Creating the Score Bar
Challenge 8 - Creating the Score Bar
51Solution 8 -- Creating the Score Bar
Solution to the Score Bar Challenge
52Challenge 9 -- Meteor Destruction Animation
Challenge 9 - Animating Meteor Destruction
53Solution 9 -- Meteor Destruction Animation
Solution to Challenge 9
54Challenge 10 -- Problem Solving (Meteor Placement)
Challenge 10 - Problem solving a meteor placement issue
55Solution 10 -- Problem Solving (Meteor Placement)
Solution to Challenge 10
56Challenge 11 -- Game Levels
Challenge 11 - Creating Game Levels
57Solution 11 -- Game Levels
Solution to the game level challenge
58Challenge 12 -- Reviewing Incorrect Answers
Challenge 12 - Showing Solutions for Incorrect Answers
59Solution 12 -- Reviewing Incorrect Answers
Solution to Challenge 12
60Challenge 13 -- A Few Final Game Elements
Challenge - Adding some final game elements
61Solution 13 -- A Few Final Game Elements
Solution to the final game elements challenge
62Classic Snake Game Intro
Introduction to the snake game project
63Challenge 1 -- Creating a Checkerboard Grid
Challenge 1 - Creating a checkerboard pattern
64Solution 1 -- Creating a Checkerboard Grid
Solution to the Checkerboard/Grid Challenge
65Challenge 2 -- Game Flow and Snake Head Placement
Challenge 2 - Game Flow and Snake Head Placement
66Solution 2 -- Game Flow and Snake Placement
Challenge 2 solution
67Challenge 3 -- Setting up a Movement System
Challenge 3 - Setting up a movement system
68Solution 3 -- Setting up a Movement System
Movement System solution
69Challenge 4 -- Flexible Grid Sizing
Challenge 4 - Flexible Sizing
70Solution 4 -- Flexible Grid Sizing
Solution for challenge 4
71Challenge 5 -- Placing the Food
Challenge 5 - Placing the Food
72Solution 5 -- Placing the Food
Solution to the placing the food challenge
73Challenge 6 -- Eating the Food
Challenge 6 - Eating the food
74Solution 6 -- Eating the Food
Solution to the eating the food challenge
75Challenge 7 -- Positioning Body Segments
Challenge 7 - Positioning the body segments
76Solution 7 -- Positioning Body Segments
Positioning the body segments solution
77Challenge 8 -- Collision Detection
Challenge 8 - Collision Detection
78Solution 8 -- Collision Detection
Solution to collision detection
79Challenge 9 -- Adding Sound FX
Challenge 9 - Adding Sound FX
80Solution 9 -- Adding Sound FX
Adding Sound FX solution
81Challenge 10 -- Score and Game Levels
Challenge 10 - Score tracking and game levels
82Solution 10 -- Score and Game Levels
Score tracking and game levels solution
83Challenge 11 -- Adding a Multiplier Bonus
Challenge 11 - Adding a Multiplier Bonus
84Solution 11 -- Adding a Multiplier Bonus
Multiplier Bonus Solution
85Challenge 12 -- Creating a Moving Score Display
Challenge 12 - Creating a Flying Score Display
86Solution 12 -- Creating a Moving Score Display
Flying score display solution
87Challenge 13 -- High Score Board
Challenge 13 - Creating a High Score Board
88Solution 13 -- High Score Board
High Score Board solution