Operations Consulting
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

This course introduces the concept of operations consulting (also known as implementation management consulting) and how it can be used beneficially to transform a business. It describes each of the major steps in the lifecycle of a consulting program, including scoping, diagnosis, solution design and implementation of a change management project. Other change management methodologies, skills required by consultants and the “art” of consulting are also covered.
AÂ short 2 minute introduction to the purpose and structure of the course
2The story of the Power Tea company
Introducing a motivating story - happenings at Power Tea - a manufacturer of iced tea
3Power Tea introspection - a story of fulfillment failures
Power Tea attempts to fix itself, but in vain
4Initial sales meeting with the CEO - part 1
Selling the concept of implementation consulting to the CEO
5Initial sales meeting with the CEO - part 2
More benefits - selling success stories and examples of implementation to the CEO
6Second meeting - part 1 - convincing the CFO
Winning over a skeptical CFO with examples of the benefits of implementation consulting
7Second meeting - part 2 - convincing the CFO
Conveying to the CFO the soft skills used by implementation consultants
8Introduction to Implementation Management Consulting
This quiz covers the definition, scope and benefits of implementation management consulting
9Third meeting part 1 - taking the senior team on a journey through the stages
Kicking off a sales meeting to a large team of senior managers
10Third meeting part 2 - taking the senior team on a journey through the stages
Taking the senior management team through a model - operational drivers of implementation consulting
11Third meeting part 3 - taking the senior team on a journey through the stages
How the consulting lifecycle is organized - framework description and how it uses best practices from waterfall and agile methodologies
12Third meeting part 4 - taking the senior team on a journey through the stages
Detailed descriptions of what takes place in each of the 4 stages of the consulting lifecycle
13What activities take place at various stages of a consulting program
Be able to select operational drivers of an organization; understand where coaching takes place
14Setting up a successful scoping - is implementation consulting needed?
Setting up a scoping - internal consulting considerations and how to qualify a client
15Scoping results at Power Tea
Conducting a scoping - structured interviews of key client members as well as other stakeholders
16When might a Scoping result in going ahead to the Diagnostic stage
Under what conditions does a Scoping exercise at a client site result in moving ahead to a Diagnostic or Analysis stage
17The real purpose of an analysis / diagnostic
Goals and purpose of an analysis - to investigate areas of improvement
18Carrying out the diagnostic at Power Tea
Examples of how studies or investigations are carried out at the client site to determine areas of improvement
19Narrating the analysis findings to management
Taking the senior team along the journey of the analysis findings - how were opportunities discovered?
20Building up the final analysis business case
Building up a financial business case for an implementation change project
21Analysis - the real purpose
22Introduction to the Design Stage
Starting off correctly - creating an awareness of the multiple improvement opportunities within an organization
23Generating awareness - critical first step in design
Creating an awareness of the multiple improvement opportunities within an organization - taking the audience through a story that connects with them emotionally
24Redesigning processes and systems - part 1
Designing a powerful management system that help organizational teams to communicate effectively with one another, make data-based decisions and improve their cycles of learning
25Redesigning processes and systems - part 2
Designing improved processes - using an example of production loss accounting
26Summary of Design stage
Summary of redesign efforts completed in the design stage; how new ways of working are experimented with and piloted in small areas prior to full blown organizational implementation
27Activities to be conducted at the design stage
This quiz helps understand the detailed activities and sequencing that happens at the Design stage in the implementation consulting lifecycle
28Communicating a change management program to the organization
Communication as a critical success factor for change management - how to be transparent, positive, energizing and inspiring to the organization
29Setting up a project management structure
Setting up appropriate project management structures to drive successful implementation - ensuring all the ingredients of successful change management are present
30Training the workforce in new tools, processes and management systems
Training the workforce in new processes; customizing the training to improve the effectiveness of individual supervisors, managers and other staff.Â
31Coaching for performance - difficult but extremely valuable
Probably the hardest part of implementation is coaching - here is where the true art of implementation consulting lies.
32Summarizing the implementation stage of a consulting program
Summary of implementation - steps, objectives and measurement of behaviors; using a tool to audit effectiveness of implementation
33Navigating the cycle of change during implementing
This quiz tests an understanding of the emotional cycle of change
34What else is out there? Introducing different change management paradigms
Survey of other change management methodologies, tools and paradigms; short descriptions allowing students to review further detail per interest
35Introducing the field of Organization Development (OD)
Short survey of the field of organization development; introduces concepts of action research, interventions and change agents as behavioral scientists.
36Summarizing the Heart of Change by John Kotter
Summary of the 8 steps recommended by John Kotter in his book - the Heart of Change; reviews the necessary factors to ensure a successful change management program in an organization; step 1 - creating the sense of urgency is the most important and closely aligned with generating a critical awareness within people of the issues in an organization.
37Process Consulting by Edgar Schein - the backbone of implementation consulting
Summary of a seminal book called Process Consulting by Edgar Schein
Topics covered here form the basis and deep organizational research that implementation consulting is based on. The book is highly recommended and will help student think clearly about the fundamentals of implementation consulting
38Execution - the discipline of getting things done - Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan
Summary of a practical book - Execution by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan
Readers will appreciate the honesty and forthrightness of the authors in bringing execution to the forefront as an important business discipline. The authors talk about how people, strategy and operations are interdependent and how a leader can combine them shrewdly to bring about successful execution of organizational strategies.
39Crucial Conversations - talking when stakes are high - Patterson, Grenny et al.
Practical tips and tricks on how to conduct effective conversations during important business negotiations, when refuting objections and when coaching clients for behavioral change. Tools both for active listening and for persuasive argumentation.
40Roles and career progression at an implementation consulting firm
Typical roles and job profiles at an implementation consulting firm; some detail regarding transitions from junior to mid-level to senior roles and times typically taken. Readers should appreciate the differences among sales, analysis and implementation roles
41Skills common to all implementation consultants
Common skills needed by all consultants - mix of basic business sense and psychology / behavioral science. Communication, active listening, good judgment are all part of the basic skillset. Readers should appreciate that these skills can be acquired and do not require extensive or elite education
42How to cope with extreme travel schedules
Factors that consultants have to cope with because of the extreme nature of travel; how to ensure productivity is maintained and family life does not get affected. The rapid cycles of learning are the biggest benefits
43Skills specific to project and operations managers
Skills required by project and operations implementation managers - typically behavioral, coaching and project management skills. While they need certain hard skills, the balance tilts heavily towards soft skills.
44Skills specific to Analysts
Skills required by analysts or diagnosticians - typically a mix of investigative, financial and behavioral skills. Readers should appreciate the finer differences between skills required by implementation managers and those required by analysts
45Sales executive skills
Skills required by Sales Executives - mix of psychology, financial and good judgment; However, most importantly, they need to be resilient to continual setbacks and patient in the face of poor conversions of client leads to analysis or diagnostic stages.
46Skills needed by implementation consultants
This quiz tests skills needed by implementation consultants