Practical Data Science using Python
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

Are you aspiring to become a Data Scientist or Machine Learning Engineer? if yes, then this course is for you.
In this course, you will learn about core concepts of Data Science, Exploratory Data Analysis, Statistical Methods, role of Data, Python Language, challenges of Bias, Variance and Overfitting, choosing the right Performance Metrics, Model Evaluation Techniques, Model Optmization using Hyperparameter Tuning and Grid Search Cross Validation techniques, etc.
You will learn how to perform detailed Data Analysis using Pythin, Statistical Techniques, Exploratory Data Analysis, using various Predictive Modelling Techniques such as a range of Classification Algorithms, Regression Models and Clustering Models. You will learn the scenarios and use cases of deploying Predictive models.
This course covers Python for Data Science and Machine Learning in great detail and is absolutely essential for the beginner in Python.
Most of this course is hands-on, through completely worked out projects and examples taking you through the Exploratory Data Analysis, Model development, Model Optimization and Model Evaluation techniques.
This course covers the use of Numpy and Pandas Libraries extensively for teaching Exploratory Data Analysis. In addition, it also covers Marplotlib and Seaborn Libraries for creating Visualizations.
There is also an introductory lesson included on Deep Neural Networks with a worked-out example on Image Classification using TensorFlow and Keras.
Course Sections:
Introduction to Data Science
Use Cases and Methodologies
Role of Data in Data Science
Statistical Methods
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Understanding the process of Training or Learning
Understanding Validation and Testing
Python Language in Detail
Setting up your DS/ML Development Environment
Python internal Data Structures
Python Language Elements
Pandas Data Structure – Series and DataFrames
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Learning Linear Regression Model using the House Price Prediction case study
Learning Logistic Model using the Credit Card Fraud Detection case study
Evaluating your model performance
Fine Tuning your model
Hyperparameter Tuning for Optimising our Models
Cross-Validation Technique
Learning SVM through an Image Classification project
Understanding Decision Trees
Understanding Ensemble Techniques using Random Forest
Dimensionality Reduction using PCA
K-Means Clustering with Customer Segmentation
Introduction to Deep Learning
Bonus Module: Time Series Prediction using ARIMA
15Introduction to Python
This attachment contains the code and data for the entire course.
16Starting with Python with Jupyter Notebook
17Python Variables and Conditions
18Python Iterations 1
19Python Iterations 2
20Python Lists
21Python Tuples
22Python Dictionaries 1
23Python Dictionaries 2
24Python Sets 1
25Python Sets 2
26Numpy Arrays 1
27Numpy Arrays 2
28Numpy Arrays 3
29Pandas Series 1
30Pandas Series 2
31Pandas Series 3
32Pandas Series 4
33Pandas DataFrame 1
34Pandas DataFrame 2
35Pandas DataFrame 3
36Pandas DataFrame 4
37Pandas DataFrame 5
38Pandas DataFrame 6
39Python User Defined Functions
40Python Lambda Functions
41Python Lambda Functions and Date-Time Operations
42Python String Operations
52Introduction to Machine Learning
53Machine Learning Terminology
54History of Machine Learning
55Machine Learning Use Cases and Types
56Role of Data in Machine Learning
57Challenges in Machine Learning
58Machine Learning Life Cycle and Pipelines
59Regression Problems
60Regression Models and Perforance Metrics
61Classification Problems and Performance Metrics
62Optmizing Classificaton Metrics
63Bias and Variance
64Linear Regression Introduction
65Linear Regression - Training and Cost Function
66Linear Regression - Cost Functions and Gradient Descent
67Linear Regression - Practical Approach
68Linear Regression - Feature Scaling and Cost Functions
69Linear Regression OLS Assumptions and Testing
70Linear Regression Car Price Prediction
71Linear Regression Data Preparation and Analysis 1
72Linear Regression Data Preparation and Analysis 2
73Linear Regression Data Preparation and Analysis 3
74Linear Regression Model Building
75Linear Regression Model Evaluation and Optmization
76Linear Regression Model Optimization
77Logistic Regression Introduction
78Logistic Regression - Logit Model
79Logistic Regression - Telecom Churn Case Study
80Logistic Regression - Data Analysis and Feature Engineering
81Logistic Regression - Build the Logistic Model
82Logistic Regression - Model Evaluation - AUC-ROC
83Logistic Regression - Model Optimization
84Logistic Regression - Model Optimization