Python A-Z™: Python For Data Science With Real Exercises!
- Description
- Curriculum
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Learn Python Programming by doing!
There are lots of Python courses and lectures out there. However, Python has a very steep learning curve and students often get overwhelmed. This course is different!
This course is truly step-by-step. In every new tutorial we build on what had already learned and move one extra step forward.
After every video you learn a new valuable concept that you can apply right away. And the best part is that you learn through live examples.
This training is packed with real-life analytical challenges which you will learn to solve. Some of these we will solve together, some you will have as homework exercises.
In summary, this course has been designed for all skill levels and even if you have no programming or statistical background you will be successful in this course!
I can’t wait to see you in class,
What you will learn:
Learn the core principles of programming
Learn how to create variables
How to visualize data in Seaborn
How to create histograms, KDE plots, violin plots and style your charts to perfection
Learn about integer, float, logical, string and other types in Python
Learn how to create a while() loop and a for() loop in Python
And much more….
Kirill Eremenko
27Project Brief: Basketball Trends
29Building Your First Matrix
30Dictionaries in Python
31Matrix Operations
32Your first visualization
33Expanded Visualization
34Creating Your First Function
35Advanced Function Design
36Basketball Insights
37Section Recap
38HOMEWORK: Basketball free throws
40Importing data into Python
41Exploring your dataset
42Renaming Columns of a Dataframe
43Subsetting dataframes in Pandas
44Basic operations with a Data Frame
45Filtering a Data Frame
46Using .at() and .iat() (advanced tutorial)
47Introduction to Seaborn
48Visualizing With Seaborn: Part 1
49Keyword Arguments in Python (advanced tutorial)
50Section Recap
51HOMEWORK: World Trends
52Data Frames
53What is a Category data type?
54Working with JointPlots
56Stacked histograms in Python
57Creating a KDE Plot
58Working with Subplots()
59Violinplots vs Boxplots
Here you will see the difference between violinplots and boxplots, will know what they used for and what executives prefer in their analytics!
60Creating a Facet Grid
61Coordinates and Diagonals
62EXTRA: Building Dashboards in Python
63EXTRA: Styling Tips
64EXTRA: Finishing Touches
65Section Recap
66HOMEWORK: Movie Domestic % Gross
67Advanced Visualization
68Homework Solution Section 2: Law Of Large Numbers
69Homework Solution Section 3: Financial Statement Analysis (Part 1)
70Homework Solution Section 3: Financial Statement Analysis (Part 2)
71Homework Solution Section 4: Basketball Free Throws
72Homework Solution Section 5: World Trends (Part 1)
73Homework Solution Section 5: World Trends (Part 2)
74Homework Solution Section 6: Movie Domestic % Gross (Part 1)
75Homework Solution Section 6: Movie Domestic % Gross (Part 2)