Python Programming for Beginners and Kids - Anyone Can Code
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Python Programming for Beginners – Beginners Can Learn to Code in Python 3 with Simple and Fun Hands On Videos
Do you want to learn to code? Maybe you are interested in programming as a career or a hobbyist who wants to create code for your own projects? Or, maybe you’re a parent with a kid who would love to write code. If so then this is the course you’re looking for. This course is designed to teach Python programming to absolute beginners. Kids as young as 5th grade have completed this entire course successfully.
Following my step-by-step videos you will write fun and entertaining programs – and at the same time gain core programming skills. This course is loaded with 10 hours of fun hands-on examples and challenges.
You’ll make your computer talk, draw colorful 2D graphics, and we’ll cap off the course by creating an arcade style space game – complete with animation, keyboard controls, and sound effects. That’s not all with over 140 lectures, challenges, and solutions there are many more cool programs you will create. All you need is a Mac or PC and a little curiosity. At the end of this course, you will have gained basic programming skills that you can continue to build on.
Python is One of the Most Popular Programming Languages
Python is one of the top programming languages in use. Companies like Netflix, Google, Instagram, and Facebook all use Python. Many universities now teach Python in their introductory computer science classes. Python is even used in some college science classes such as Physics for simulations. If you want to pursue a career in software development, this course is a great first step into programming. Or, you may just want to learn as a hobby or for fun to express your creativity in your own projects!
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
This course includes a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up and start your programming journey right now!
1Why choose this course?
Watch this video for a quick introduction of the course. You will get a glimpse of who this course is for and the fun projects you will create.
2About Me
Watch this video to learn more about the instructor.
3What You'll Learn
After watching this video, you will understand the course outline and topics that will be covered.
4Optimizing Your Learning Experience
In this lecture, I give you a few tips to get the most out of this cource and make the most of your learning experience.
5Downloading Python Software
After this lecture, you will have downloaded the software needed for this course.
6Setting Up Our Python Editor - Thonny
Watch this lesson to install and setup Thonny - the Python editor we will be using throughout the course.
7Getting Familiar with Thonny
After this lecture, you will know how the basic parts of Thonny and will run you first Python program
8What is a computer?
After completing this lecture, you will know the basic parts of a computer and what they do.
9What is software?
After this lecture, you will know the definition of software.
10Quick Review of Hardware and Software
Watch this video for a quick review of hardware vs. software.
11Hardware and Software Quiz
12Introduction to Output
Read this article for an overview of this section of the course.
13Example 1- Output with the print() function
After completing this lecture, you will be able to write text to the shell window using the print() function.
14Example 1 Continued - Adding Notes to Your Program
After completing this lecture, you will know how to include notes or comments in your program.
15Example 2 - More Escape Characters for Text Formatting
After this lecture, you will know how to include even more special characters in your strings.
16Example 3 - Making Your Computer Speak
After this lecture, you will know how to write a program creates audio output. You will learn how to make you computer speak!
17Programming Challenge 1 - Print Your Superheroes
After this lesson, you will have written a program on your own to list your favorite superheroes.
18Programming Challenge 1 - Solution
This lecture shows one solution to Challenge 1.
19Programming Challenge 2 - Upside Down Triangle
This lesson introduces the next challenge - drawing a triangle with text characters.
20Programming Challenge 2 - Solution
In this lesson I go over the previous challenge.
21Programming Challenge 3 - Backslash and Tabs to Make a Rectangle
Watch this lesson to get instructions for Challenge 3.
22Programming Challenge 3 - Solution
This video shows the solution for challenge 3.
23Programming Challenge 4 - A Famous Quote
This lesson gives you another output challenge.
24Programming Challenge 4 - Solution
Watch this video to see how to write the program for challenge 4.
25Programming Challenge 5 - Poetic Python - Reciting Poetry
Try this fun challenge and have Python recite poetry!
26Programming Challenge 5 - Solution
This is the complete solution to challenge 5.
27Introducing Variables
Let's learn about variables. This lecture introduces variables and explains how we use them to store data in the computer's memory.
28Example 4 - Creating Variables and Using the Debugger
In this lesson you will write your first Python program using variables.
29Example 5 - Getting Keyboard Input
After this lecture you will know how to get information entered by the user from the keyboard.
30Example 5 Continued - Formatting Output with Variables
Learn how to format text to include the value in a variable to display a custom message.
31Example 6 - Replacing words in a sentence with user input
In this example, you will learn how to use variables to replace words in a sentence.
32Example 7 - Making the Computer Speak our Sentence Built from User Input
Make your computer speak. After watching this video you will be able to create Python programs that talk using a text to speech module.
33Programming Challenge 6 - Creating a Simple Word Game
In this lecture, I introduce your next challenge. Creating a simple word substitution game. Try this challenge and play the game with your family and friends!
34Programming Challenge 6 - Solution
In this video, I show the solution for this challenge.
35Introduction to Expressions and Operators
After this video you will know what an expression, operator, and operand are.
36Hands On Practice with Math Expressions
In this lesson you will get hands on practice doing calculations with math expressions in the shell.
37The Modulus Operator
Learn about the modulus operator and some of it's helpful properties.
38Using Operators with Strings
In this lesson, we experiment with strings and operators to see how we can multiply and add strings.
39Operator Precedence Cheat Sheet
A quick recap of order of operations and a handy cheat sheet.
40Example 8 - Computing the Area of a Rectangle
In this lecture, I will show you how to use variables in expressions to create a simple program to calculate the area of a rectangle from user input.
41Example 9 - Computing the Area of a Triangle from User Input
In this lecture, we will create a simple program to calculate the area of a triangle using values entered from the keyboard.
42Programming Challege 7 - Evaluating Math Expressions
Practice using math expressions in Python.
43Programming Challenge 7 - Solution
Walk thru the the solution to challenge 7.
44Programming Challenge 8 - Calculating Your Age in Dog Years
This video has the instructions for programming challenge 8.
45Programming Challenge 8 Solution
Solution to programming challenge 8.
46Introduction - What is a List?
After this lecture, you will know the definition of a list in Python
47Example 10 - Creating a List Variable
You will learn how to create and print a list to the shell in this lecture.
48Example 11 - Accessing Individual Items in a List
After this lecture, you will know how to access a single item from a list.
49Changing Individual Values in a List
Read this article to learn how you can change the values of items using their indexes.
50Example 12 - Getting the Number of Items in a List
Learn how to count the number of items in a list.
51Example 13 - Adding Items to a List
In this lesson, you will learn how to add additional items to a list that has already been created.
52Example 14 - Combining Lists to Make a New List
Learn how to make new lists from other lists by combining them.
53Example 15 - Multiplying a List
In this lesson you will learn what multiplication of a list does.
54Example 16 - Remove an Item from a List using a Value
In this lesson, you will learn how to remove an item from a list.
55Example 17 - Remove an Item from a List by Position
In this lesson you will learn how to remove a value from a list using it's position.
56Example 18 - Counting How Many Times an Item Appears in A List
In this lesson you will learn how to count the number of times a value appears in a list.
57What is a Tuple?
After this lecture, you will know what a tuple is and how it is different to a list.
58Example 19 - Hands On with Tuples
In this lesson you will practice creating and working with tuples.
59Programming Challenge 9 - Heroes and Villains List Challenge
This lecture explains programming challenge 9.
60Programming Challenge 9 - Solution
In this lesson, I solve programming challenge #9.
61Programming Challenge 10 - Heroes and Villains Tuples
In this lecture, you will get your next challenge - converting the heroes and villains challenge to use tuples.
62Programming Challenge 10 - Solution
This lesson presents the solution to programming challenge 10.
63Introducing Turtle Graphics - Pixels and Coordinates
After this lecture, you should understand how to plot points in the Turtle graphics window.
64Example 20 - Drawing a Red Square with Goto
In this lecture you will learn how to draw a square with Python turtle graphics.
65Setting Your Turtle Speed
Read this lesson to learn the valid values you can use when setting the turtle's speed.
66Programming Challenge 11 - Draw a Green Rectangle
Watch this lesson to get you next drawing challenge.
67Programming Challenge 11 - Solution
In this lecture, I go over the solution to challenge 11.
68Example 21 - Forward, Backward, Left, and Right Functions
Learn how to move your Turtle around the screen with left, right, forward, and backward functions.
69Programming Challenge 12 - Using Forward, Backward, Left, and Right
In this lecture, I give you your next challenge to practice moving the turtle on your own.
70Programming Challenge 12 - Solution
In this lecture I cover the solution to Challenge 12.
71Example 22 - Drawing Circles
Watch this video to learn how to draw circles with the Turtle.
72Example 23 - Filling Shapes with Color
In this video, you will learn how to fill shapes with solid colors.
73Example 24 - Drawing Polygons and Irregular Shapes
After this lecture, you will know how to draw polygons or irregular shapes.
74Example 25 - Erasing Turtle Drawings and Setting the Window Background Color
In this video, you will learn handy functions to erase and reset your turtle drawings.
75Programming Challenge 13 - Draw Your Own Emoji
In this video I give your next challenge - drawing an emoji with Turtle Graphics.
76Programming Challenge 13 Solution - Drawing an Emoji
This video covers the solution to Challenge #13.
77Programming Challenge 14 - Drawing Challenge
In this challenge you will use the turtle to draw a house and tree using everything you've learned so far.
78Programming Challenge 14 - Solution
Watch this video to see my solution to challenge 14.
79Example 26 - Drawing Text
In this lesson you will learn how to draw text in your Turtle window.
80Programming Challenge 15 - Draw Your Name
Watch this video to get your next practice challenge - writing your name with Turtle graphics.
81Programming Challenge 15 - Solution
In this video I cover the solution to challenge 15.
82Example 27 - A Nicer Way to Get Input
Watch this video to learn how you can get input from the user using Turtle graphics.
83Programming Challenge 16 - Practice with numinput() and textinput()
Watch this video to get your next challenge - getting practice with numinput() and textinput()
84Programming Challenge 16 - Solution
In this video I show the solution to challenge 16.
85Turtle Graphics Documentation
In this video I show you where you can find documentation for the Turtle graphics library.